Jean Monnet Module for European Monetary Law

With a greath pleasure, we inform that in September 2020, the University of Niš was awarded a three-year project within the Erasmus + Jean Monnet programme of the European Union, to organise teaching and to conduct scientific research in the field of European monetary law. The Jean Monnet Module entitled "Jean Monnet Module for European Monetary Law-MONELA" was established within the bachelor academic studies of law, but is also intended for students of master's and doctoral studies in law, as well as lawyers in practice (judiciary, advocacy, public administration). The project number is 620002-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPJMO-MODULE.

The project team of the Jean Monnet module for European monetary law includes Prof. Dr. Srđan Golubović and Doc. Dr. Marko Dimitrijević (module coordinator).

The following activities will be undertaken within the Jean Monnet module:

  • organisation of four specialised deliver-made courses (lectures) with content of the scientific discipline of European Monetary Law;
  • organisation of one round table;
  • organisation of one workshop;
  • organising short study visits;
  • organisation of a scientific conference;
  • publishing one textbook;
  • publishing one scientific monograph;
  • publishing a collection of papers from a scientific conference;
  • publishing a guide;
  • publishing a manual;
  • establishing a database with primary and secondary sources in the field of European monetary law;
  • establishing an interactive website and presence on social networks (Facebook, Instagram).

The syllabus of the courses at bachelor, master and doctoral level of law studies will be deepened by issues in the field of European monetary law, by organising the following deliver-made courses in the form of lectures and training teaching activity:

  • Fiscal Rules in the European Union (a course);
  • Law of the European Central Bank (a course);
  • Monetary Disputes and the European Court of Justice (training);
  • Normative Regulation of European Economic Governance (a course).

At the Jean Monnet module, students will study the issue of normative and economic efficiency of fiscal rules in the European Union and their impact on domestic monetary legislation, as well as the law of the European Central Bank, which in the conditions of globalisation of economic and monetary flows disintegrated from general monetary law as an independent scientific discipline. Also, for the first time, students will have the opportunity to get detail acquainted with the characteristics and outcomes of monetary disputes in which the implementation of active and passive procedural legitimacy of European monetary agents is fully implemented and the monetary jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, as well as legal mechanisms of European economic governance in the European Union, i.e. interstate agreements that are in the function of ensuring legal and economic stability in the EMU. The courses will be attended by students of all levels of study, as well as lawyers from practice.

Academic and Social Justification of the Module

Aim of the Module is acquiring and mastering specific theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on legal regulation of monetary relations of public law in the EU, the structure of monetary sovereignty and its evolution in monetary union (especially EMU), basic principles of material monetary law at the internal and extraterritorial level, sources, hybridisation tendency, and social justification of this discipline in the way to acquire specialised legal knowledge for the optimal resolution of monetary disputes in the European legal space. Through the research and study of the new legal discipline of Monetary Law in domestic jurisprudence, academia, and practice by following European requirements of systematic, comprehensive, multidisciplinary and consistent legal education, Module shall provide its contribution in development of domestic legal thought.

It is expected that by mastering the Jean Monnet module, course participants can successfully: 1) monitor, critically research and analyse both classical and contemporary trends in the legal regulation of EU monetary flows and policy; 2) competently, scientifically, and argumentatively discuss, research and present the results of their scientific work that will contribute to the development of scientific thought in the field of studying EU monetary law; 3) work on research, organisation and optimal monetary management, monetary advisory and similar activities that are covered by the content of the Jean Monnet module. In the indicated relations, with the appropriate supplementation of knowledge from other subjects, Module participants should be able to work on signing and implementation of international agreements and documents in the field of European monetary law and able to participate in the work of international monetary institutions.

The Project Team

Srđan Golubović is a full professor in the narrow scientific field of Law and Economics at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš, and the chairman of the Department of Law and Economics. After completing his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law in Nis, he continued his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, where he obtained a master's degree in law by defending cum laude his thesis entitled " Public spending in the function of stabilization policy" and then obtained a doctoral degree in law by defending cum laude his thesis entitled "Institutional frameworks of monetary factor action in economic policy of transition economies" (2002). With his pioneering legal research and works through last two decades in the field of Central Bank Law, Law of EU Economic System, National and European Monetary Law, as Monetary and Banking Finances and Economic Policy for Lawyers, the professor Golubović established the indelible foundations for the study of the contemporary discipline of the Monetary Law of the European Union in domestic legal area.

Detailed biography and list of published works can be downloaded here.

Marko Dimitrijević is an assistant professor in the narrow scientific field of Law and Economics at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš. After completing his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law in Nis, he continued his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, where he obtained a doctoral degree by defending cum laude his doctoral thesis entitled "Guidelines and Coordination of EU Economic Policy" (2016). During his academic and professional career, he realized postdoctoral research at the European Law Institute in Saarbrücken, the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance (Munich), and the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Regional, European and International Law (Luxembourg). He gave guest lectures at the Faculty of Law in Sofia and the Institute of the European University in Florence. He is a member of the European Law Institute in Vienna. He regularly publishes papers in the field of European and International Monetary Law.

Detailed biography and list of published works can be downloaded here.

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